Yellow choices mean there's a scene associated with it, and choosing it might unlock a scene later on. Green choices lead immediately into a scene of some sort.
its a fantastic game but idk and dont get me wrong, is it normal that u cant see the action when its "hammertime" or is it just in the beginning like that and u get to see the full scene in the later stages of the game
It seems after updating to 1.7.2, the game launches but then immediately closes. I'm on Win10 64bit if that matters any. I can roll back to 1.7.1 and it launches just fine, but I can't get 1.7.2 to launch.
Edit: I have to go into the actual file folder and run the .exe file that way, in order for 1.7.2 to run. If I just click the launch button, it doesn't work.
I'm sorry about that. Sometimes Itchio doesn't play well with the updates. I think it should fix on its own, but it is really hard to say. I hope the .exe workaroud isn't too much of a hassle.
The most consistent way has been to download the version I have on Patreon. It's a Mega or Googledrive link, and those should start with the WartribeAcademy.exe file.
If you are on Itchio, it might still be possible to find the WartribeAcademy.exe and run the game that way. I know some people have more success that way.
1.7.0 Has some known bugs that need to be fixed! I will update with a fix tonight or tomorrow morning. Feb 4th and 5th. Thank you all for playing and supporting the development.
Great game I'm really enjoying the differences in the many main characters, and interesting lore of the different families. 10/10 Would recommend to anyone looking for a captivating story & great variety of scenes!
The writing in this game is smarter than most in its genre, even if it does fall on a lot of often-used tropes. I initially pirated it on f95 but purchased it here to support its continuation.
I've heard references to the 48 powers. I've read the rules over before in the past, but I never read the book. Don't know anything about Machiavelli besides the fact that he was a philosopher.
Green likes to take "historical" anecdotes to emphasize his points, his laws. That is, he takes a snippet of history, usually without greater historical context. They are entertaining if nothing else. Machiavelli's "The Prince" is actually a very thin book. They are both known for being amoral in their philosophies of power.
As it is, your game is filled with narrative mystery boxes. Lots of potential. Hope the Big Bad hiding in the shadows is worth the wait.
Oh thank you for bringing that up. It might be a mislabeling left over from edits. I tried to remove a lot of those messages, so some seem to have been left over. Please disregard. Most should only say "End of content 1.6.1" or something to that effect. Sorry for the confusion.
Not sure what it is, because I haven't really seen anyone having this problem.
I'm having to make a direct shortcut from the EXE file to my Desktop because when I hit Launch, it pops up a blank CMD window and doesn't do anything after.
However, using the shortcut I made starts the game with no problems, every time.
I'm sorry to hear that :[ Is that happening when you use the Itch Launcher? I haven't heard much about it. But I will keep this comment in mind if I run across it again.
I'm having the same issue, except that I'm not seeing it pop up anything at all. The itch app acts like it's running, but meanwhile outside the app there's just nothing unless I directly run the exe or a shortcut to it.
Definetly one of the more underrated games on this site. I found the story to be extremely interesting, both the overarching story and the characters individual story. I am excited to see where this goes!
Outside of that the environments are done well, the character models are excellent and the animations are great as well! This is quality product that I would 100 percent recommend playing.
The girls each have there own unique flavor that really manages to push through, I was constantly finding myself switching up who was my favorite girl as I learned more and more about each of their stories.
I can't wait for the next update! Great work dev! An excellent game
Thank you for the kind words. I can't wait for the next update either! I have been happy with my work so far, but I hope new updates will only improve on things as I go.
Agreed! Over the last year I have tried a couple dozen AVNs. All but four have been quickly eliminated, usually for design issues. Of the ones I play regularly, all have original story lines, great character development, and are consistently updated ... however, Wartribe definitely has the best animations., hands down! I don't mind waiting a little while for updates when it is this high quality. Keep up the good work!
What happens if you go with Lunette instead of Luce? I went on with Lunettes path for a minute, but didn't seem all that different. After some point does she become a potential wife?
Without spoilers, I have plans to give Characters like Lunette their own conclusions of sorts. If you mean, if she will be elevated to the level where I have an extensive path for her, probably not. But she should have her own story since she has her own motivations. I just can't promise it will be very elaborate. But every character should have an ending of sorts.
That means we can't have both? So it's going to be a choose one girl in the end type avn,where you have fun,enjoy but don't end happily with everyone, I'm out,thanks for this nice experience.
a harem ending with 2 girls? It's not worth it,your avn was good bud,but what's use of having a harem avn when you can't have all of at least most of girls,it's better to stick to single Li avns,it won't shatter heart in the end(much).
Ive progressed as far as i can and im stuck on luce and cleo it keeps telling me to progress with the marions. And i cant figure out how to progress :(
As a general rule if the story is 'stuck' it means all the other girls need to be progressed to max, or you should visit the locations on campus for scenes. The servants are usually the reason story is not progressing. Could you tell me what it says in Luce's journal? I can give more specific details.
The game and story is really really good, but the transparency on the text box is kind of an issue in scenes, half of the screen is darkened to the point that you can't really see what's going on in some dark/night time scenes
Yes, sorry. A major balancing act has been trying to make text visible on a transparent textbox. It's very difficult to do because some text colors are just impossible to read in some scenes. The only thing I could compromise with at the moment is to add a hide button, which is available, to show the rest of the scene behind the box. Sorry for the late reply! Thank you for playing and enjoying the game.
The lions helper - I should fix the typo This one happens if you lose the event with Leona. Where you and her speak to the elder. Use dehydrated meat or cured meat. Leona will force you to go on a date with Arjenta instead of herself.
Mission impossible II happens in the barracks if you choose to help Sash when they are caught by the Marions. After the scene where Sash and Monica are tied up by Judith Marion.
Those can be missed if you do not visit her in her little club house while she is available. But regularly visit her in the brothel as soon as you have unlocked it.
Help, is this done or i need to do something ? i finished where we spend the night in the inn. in fast travel for juna it said, "juna is gone, but she should return"
I'm very sorry to hear that. I can't help as much as others in this discord DA ports the game to Android, so he will be more familiar with any issues you have on it.
I just bought the new update even tough i know it will be public soon , This is the first time i pay for a game of this sort and i even made my account so i can write this message to you , I love your game and always keep track on the updates and the ammount of patreons you have because i wish this game to do good , your dedication is impressive and i want to thank you for the ongoing development of the game .
I'm aware of a current issue for 1.6.0 I will push a fix for it tomorrow!
There is a known bug involving switching from fast travel to non fast travel with Ezra, Juna will still do the job. (She really is better at her work)
Also, progression is locked without fast travel for Juna's new content at a certain point. This is unintended and I will release a 1.6.1 as soon as I can.
Work around: Enable Fast travel before starting Juna's content and use it for her scenes when you need to.
so I can only choose either daughter or mother, can’t I have all ? More Milf! Stacia has good suggestions is to have both.. if I chose to lose the match gaining Stacis will that meaning I’m losing Magna?
also to Priscilla and her mother. so no way to keep all the girls?
I get the way you are heading buddy,as far as I played other avn too i know one thing you can't keep every girl u fucked or knows in game,that's good thing since way too much isn't best but yeah keep best looking one,and i don't think ever playing that you will force us to choose between one or two,i could see the long term planning in your avn loved it that way, choices makes people feel like we won't see them again,but i can see your avn progressing linearly so it's an already pre harem game with even less choice to whom to add or not,so in last it's diesnt even matter, whatever you planned buddy keep going on with your incredible work,but just don't take 2,3 decades to finish it,else good 😊😊
well just a suggestion buddy, but why this is sandbox avn? I mean its plot is linear with straight stories and intertwined stories of its characters no stats or equipment,it's like casual avn with unnecessary sandbox,just why though? I mean it isn't bad your story and avn is one of its kind and great but sandbox has bad impression and many people don't play your amazing game just because sandbox tag,i know how kuch hard work to completely change your avn and remove sandbox but as I can see clearly it doesn't even need sandbox it could be direct flow avn,sandbox isn't bad but it isn't good for sale.
You're right. Most people who play visual novels are happy with it just being linear. That is why I included fast travel at the start. I totally understand if I should remove the sandbox tag. I just had a different vision for it when I first started off. And now I don't want to remove the sandbox elements.
BUT for future chapters, (After 2.0.0) I might leave sandbox off and make it more properly linear to match.
Thank you! It sounds like that is probably Rhea's alternate path. The way you treat Joy impacts that route. So whatever you did, do the opposite to unlock that scene. Cleo's scenes are from her room event. After a certain point in the story, she should make you an offer to play dice for stakes in your room. It's different from a normal Dice game.
It sounds like you just need to progress the storyline for everyone, and there should be more content for both of them. Here's a sneak peek.
I think it would be best if either you do that after marriage (if you are planning for that) or either at the ending of avn,no matter when implies that,but make sure to show us some cute kids with cleo
I desperatly need more Ezra content. Both as a girl but also can we get some proper femboy content where we fuck him as a dude? I know it's not everyone's cup of tea so obviously make it optional but I'd love some More Ezra content. He's my favorite
I'm a long way away from writing femboy content, I'm afraid. But I am experimenting writing that in another community. If it goes well, I will consider adding optional femboy content. Femboy Ezra, Pregnancy, and the MILFs, are all on a long list that people have asked for.
Hey buddy i can understand everyone has kinks,for some it's wierd but i ain't say you are wrong but i doubt it would do more good than bad in long run,it can hardly be optional since it's a linear plot game which is half sandbox and click avn,where choices just matter for sexual content but this would impact story and plot a bit,not saying it can't be pulled off but it would be hard even as optional,maybe a dream or nightmare of ezra
A detail of the gallery is that you have to see all the images associated with that scene, even if it's from a branching dialog of that scene. I don't have an unlock either, very sorry. I'll have a rework to the gallery. Since I have gotten so many questions about it, I'll bump it up to the update after this one.
hey mr.rooster so i installed the game and everything but it wont run im using the launcher and im on pc the game look intresting i hope you could look into this and sorry to make your work harder
I'm sorry, but it could be any number of issues. It would be impossible for me to go through all of them. I would try to see if it is just this game, of if other Ren'py games don't work either. If you haven't already, I would definitely try to download the game without the launcher too, to see if that works any better. Thank you for the interest! I hope you do figure it out. Maybe someone on discord has a similar issue?
I would like to know if the game crashes on you, or if it is just a black screen not loading. I've had that issue from time to time with launched games. Usually a restart or reinstall works for me.
Are you using the App to update? If so it's possible it isn't ready to update from that client yet. I believe the last update was my first update using Butler to push it. Which just means next update that app should work.
Otherwise, there should be no issue with a fresh download. You typically do not have to move your saves. In fact it is not recommended as far as I know. Sorry if the issue lingers.
Im sorry to say this,(maybe im the only one having an issue with this) but the guide is absolutely horrendous. I cant make heads or tails of it, i tried following it then looks at the gallery some scenes were unlock others scenes were not, for ex: on magna when fighting cherry says use the sword properly to unlock a scene, but does use the sword properly mean? cause im pretty sure i did and there was no scene unlocked in the galery, i just dont understand maybe im dumb. otherwise the game is very good, im just the type to complete everything so i prefer going along the guide, but this one doesnt give you a path to follow just tells you want do on the scene your at. Like if theres some scenes locked behiind certain areas or charecters, surely a guide telling wich girls and paths to do 1st to unlock essencial areas and charecters would a lot better, sorry for the guide rant. Enjoy the game, becasue i am, the guide is my only problem.
I'm ok with that. There is so much content that for me to sit down and make a full-blown guide would take me hours. I will eventually do this, but I'm currently just focused on the content. It's a one man army over here, so I gotta prioritize these things, Thank you for your interest!
Its all good, as i sayd the game is awesome, and eventually i was able to figure it out(took some effort but doable), especially since is a 1 man force cant really ask for more, since your focused on the game itself(as you should), keep it up its looking nice so far. Have a good one.
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This is the best game, can't wait for the next update
Thank you, that is very nice of you!
Hey ! I like the game so far. But what's the meaning of green and yellow choices ?
Yellow choices mean there's a scene associated with it, and choosing it might unlock a scene later on. Green choices lead immediately into a scene of some sort.
Oh ! Thank you ! <3
its a fantastic game but idk and dont get me wrong, is it normal that u cant see the action when its "hammertime" or is it just in the beginning like that and u get to see the full scene in the later stages of the game
I have a question is lesbian avoidable or is forced like always???
Some of it is unavoidable.
It seems after updating to 1.7.2, the game launches but then immediately closes. I'm on Win10 64bit if that matters any. I can roll back to 1.7.1 and it launches just fine, but I can't get 1.7.2 to launch.
Edit: I have to go into the actual file folder and run the .exe file that way, in order for 1.7.2 to run. If I just click the launch button, it doesn't work.
I'm sorry about that. Sometimes Itchio doesn't play well with the updates. I think it should fix on its own, but it is really hard to say. I hope the .exe workaroud isn't too much of a hassle.
Everytime i run the game It doesnt launch and theres no process in task manager how do i fix this? I play in PC win7 64bit SP1
Edit:I downloaded the Itch App and it still doesnt work it stuck in Running everytime i launch
The most consistent way has been to download the version I have on Patreon. It's a Mega or Googledrive link, and those should start with the WartribeAcademy.exe file.
If you are on Itchio, it might still be possible to find the WartribeAcademy.exe and run the game that way. I know some people have more success that way.
Is there a higher resolution of the game available somewhere?
No, I don't believe there is. I shoot the scenes in 1920 by 1080 p
I hope that's not too bad.
Lemme write this down...
1.7.1 is out, but 1.7.2 is already necessary. We caught another error that will prevent Judy's new content. I'll have a fix this evening.
Such a great game!But there are some problems of language.Wish we can play Chinese translation virsion!
1.7.0 Has some known bugs that need to be fixed! I will update with a fix tonight or tomorrow morning. Feb 4th and 5th. Thank you all for playing and supporting the development.
Waiting for Android 1.7.0
Damn cant wait for the next update really got me hooked with the story and the concept of the game.
Great game I'm really enjoying the differences in the many main characters, and interesting lore of the different families. 10/10 Would recommend to anyone looking for a captivating story & great variety of scenes!
Such nice words. Thank you very much for playing!
The writing in this game is smarter than most in its genre, even if it does fall on a lot of often-used tropes. I initially pirated it on f95 but purchased it here to support its continuation.
Thank you! I hope you enjoy the story in its totality when I am done.
Are you familiar with author Robert Green? 48 Laws of Power? Or perhaps just Machiavelli?
I've heard references to the 48 powers. I've read the rules over before in the past, but I never read the book. Don't know anything about Machiavelli besides the fact that he was a philosopher.
Green likes to take "historical" anecdotes to emphasize his points, his laws. That is, he takes a snippet of history, usually without greater historical context. They are entertaining if nothing else. Machiavelli's "The Prince" is actually a very thin book. They are both known for being amoral in their philosophies of power.
As it is, your game is filled with narrative mystery boxes. Lots of potential. Hope the Big Bad hiding in the shadows is worth the wait.
Was that the end of Juna for this game?
Love your game bro! Please don't give up on this game. I really enjoy reading it and am happy to wait for you! Will try to support you soon
Thank you very much. I appreciate everyone who even tries the game. That's support enough!
I'm getting a bit confused here.
Why do some paths reference 1.6.1 for more content, and I can't go any further in them...yet this IS 1.6.1??
Started a few days ago with the new install, haven't played before this to have any file save issues.
Am I missing something here?
Oh thank you for bringing that up. It might be a mislabeling left over from edits. I tried to remove a lot of those messages, so some seem to have been left over. Please disregard. Most should only say "End of content 1.6.1" or something to that effect. Sorry for the confusion.
Not sure what it is, because I haven't really seen anyone having this problem.
I'm having to make a direct shortcut from the EXE file to my Desktop because when I hit Launch, it pops up a blank CMD window and doesn't do anything after.
However, using the shortcut I made starts the game with no problems, every time.
I'm sorry to hear that :[ Is that happening when you use the Itch Launcher?
I haven't heard much about it. But I will keep this comment in mind if I run across it again.
Thank you for the work around!
Yeah. I noticed the itch launcher sometimes doesn't like to play well with others.
I'm having the same issue, except that I'm not seeing it pop up anything at all. The itch app acts like it's running, but meanwhile outside the app there's just nothing unless I directly run the exe or a shortcut to it.
Definetly one of the more underrated games on this site. I found the story to be extremely interesting, both the overarching story and the characters individual story. I am excited to see where this goes!
Outside of that the environments are done well, the character models are excellent and the animations are great as well! This is quality product that I would 100 percent recommend playing.
The girls each have there own unique flavor that really manages to push through, I was constantly finding myself switching up who was my favorite girl as I learned more and more about each of their stories.
I can't wait for the next update! Great work dev! An excellent game
Thank you for the kind words. I can't wait for the next update either! I have been happy with my work so far, but I hope new updates will only improve on things as I go.
Over the last year I have tried a couple dozen AVNs. All but four have been quickly eliminated, usually for design issues.
Of the ones I play regularly, all have original story lines, great character development, and are consistently updated ... however, Wartribe definitely has the best animations., hands down!
I don't mind waiting a little while for updates when it is this high quality. Keep up the good work!
Is the last bit of the game where Juna leaves?
up to the latest update, yes
What happens if you go with Lunette instead of Luce? I went on with Lunettes path for a minute, but didn't seem all that different. After some point does she become a potential wife?
Without spoilers, I have plans to give Characters like Lunette their own conclusions of sorts. If you mean, if she will be elevated to the level where I have an extensive path for her, probably not. But she should have her own story since she has her own motivations. I just can't promise it will be very elaborate. But every character should have an ending of sorts.
That means we can't have both? So it's going to be a choose one girl in the end type avn,where you have fun,enjoy but don't end happily with everyone, I'm out,thanks for this nice experience.
There is a Harem ending if that is what you mean.
a harem ending with 2 girls? It's not worth it,your avn was good bud,but what's use of having a harem avn when you can't have all of at least most of girls,it's better to stick to single Li avns,it won't shatter heart in the end(much).
Huh? Just for other people who may read this. A harem ending would consist of ALL the main girls.
Ive progressed as far as i can and im stuck on luce and cleo it keeps telling me to progress with the marions. And i cant figure out how to progress :(
As a general rule if the story is 'stuck' it means all the other girls need to be progressed to max, or you should visit the locations on campus for scenes. The servants are usually the reason story is not progressing. Could you tell me what it says in Luce's journal? I can give more specific details.
The game and story is really really good, but the transparency on the text box is kind of an issue in scenes, half of the screen is darkened to the point that you can't really see what's going on in some dark/night time scenes
also Mag best
Yes, sorry. A major balancing act has been trying to make text visible on a transparent textbox. It's very difficult to do because some text colors are just impossible to read in some scenes. The only thing I could compromise with at the moment is to add a hide button, which is available, to show the rest of the scene behind the box. Sorry for the late reply! Thank you for playing and enjoying the game.
How to open scene "Mission Impossible II" and "The lions helper" ?
The lions helper - I should fix the typo
This one happens if you lose the event with Leona. Where you and her speak to the elder. Use dehydrated meat or cured meat. Leona will force you to go on a date with Arjenta instead of herself.
Mission impossible II happens in the barracks if you choose to help Sash when they are caught by the Marions. After the scene where Sash and Monica are tied up by Judith Marion.
And how to open replay Yuel "don't touch" And "The family“ ?
Those can be missed if you do not visit her in her little club house while she is available. But regularly visit her in the brothel as soon as you have unlocked it.
Oke thanks
how do you summon fredrika?
Is in "summon girl" option in your chamber
Help, is this done or i need to do something ? i finished where we spend the night in the inn. in fast travel for juna it said, "juna is gone, but she should return"
No more Juna content - you can check in Replays to see if the story is finished and if you have any content you missed
oh thanks yea im done
Not sure what happened, but Android seems to be unstable this version. Previous version worked good.
I'm very sorry to hear that. I can't help as much as others in this discord DA ports the game to Android, so he will be more familiar with any issues you have on it.
I just bought the new update even tough i know it will be public soon , This is the first time i pay for a game of this sort and i even made my account so i can write this message to you , I love your game and always keep track on the updates and the ammount of patreons you have because i wish this game to do good , your dedication is impressive and i want to thank you for the ongoing development of the game .
Magna rocks !
Thank you! I know I don't have the biggest fan base or anything, but you guys are super supportive. I hope I can live up to expectations!
I'm aware of a current issue for 1.6.0
I will push a fix for it tomorrow!
There is a known bug involving switching from fast travel to non fast travel with Ezra, Juna will still do the job. (She really is better at her work)
Also, progression is locked without fast travel for Juna's new content at a certain point. This is unintended and I will release a 1.6.1 as soon as I can.
Work around: Enable Fast travel before starting Juna's content and use it for her scenes when you need to.
so I can only choose either daughter or mother, can’t I have all ? More Milf! Stacia has good suggestions is to have both.. if I chose to lose the match gaining Stacis will that meaning I’m losing Magna?
also to Priscilla and her mother. so no way to keep all the girls?
Some girls are not involved, that's correct. But as for Stacia, Magna, Priscilla, all those will stay. And if they leave, they will come back.
Currently, no plans for Priscilla's mother, or Cleo's mother, until 2.0.0
We don't see them again until after that point in the story planned so far.
Amazed by the long term on-going progression 👍
I get the way you are heading buddy,as far as I played other avn too i know one thing you can't keep every girl u fucked or knows in game,that's good thing since way too much isn't best but yeah keep best looking one,and i don't think ever playing that you will force us to choose between one or two,i could see the long term planning in your avn loved it that way, choices makes people feel like we won't see them again,but i can see your avn progressing linearly so it's an already pre harem game with even less choice to whom to add or not,so in last it's diesnt even matter, whatever you planned buddy keep going on with your incredible work,but just don't take 2,3 decades to finish it,else good 😊😊
Ahahah, It won't take that long. Thank you for your support. It's a little rough around the edges, but I'll polish it out.
well just a suggestion buddy, but why this is sandbox avn? I mean its plot is linear with straight stories and intertwined stories of its characters no stats or equipment,it's like casual avn with unnecessary sandbox,just why though? I mean it isn't bad your story and avn is one of its kind and great but sandbox has bad impression and many people don't play your amazing game just because sandbox tag,i know how kuch hard work to completely change your avn and remove sandbox but as I can see clearly it doesn't even need sandbox it could be direct flow avn,sandbox isn't bad but it isn't good for sale.
You're right. Most people who play visual novels are happy with it just being linear. That is why I included fast travel at the start. I totally understand if I should remove the sandbox tag. I just had a different vision for it when I first started off.
And now I don't want to remove the sandbox elements.
BUT for future chapters, (After 2.0.0) I might leave sandbox off and make it more properly linear to match.
I can't seem to get Rhea's deal in the gallery and ty Mr Big Rooster for this masterpiece
edit: also notice i never got cleo's reward or punishment
Thank you!

It sounds like that is probably Rhea's alternate path. The way you treat Joy impacts that route. So whatever you did, do the opposite to unlock that scene. Cleo's scenes are from her room event. After a certain point in the story, she should make you an offer to play dice for stakes in your room. It's different from a normal Dice game.
It sounds like you just need to progress the storyline for everyone, and there should be more content for both of them. Here's a sneak peek.
will u add pregnancy???
There are no plans for pregnancy in the short term. After the storyline is more fleshed out, I will have more time to work on Pregnancy.
I think it would be best if either you do that after marriage (if you are planning for that) or either at the ending of avn,no matter when implies that,but make sure to show us some cute kids with cleo
I desperatly need more Ezra content. Both as a girl but also can we get some proper femboy content where we fuck him as a dude? I know it's not everyone's cup of tea so obviously make it optional but I'd love some More Ezra content. He's my favorite
I'm a long way away from writing femboy content, I'm afraid. But I am experimenting writing that in another community. If it goes well, I will consider adding optional femboy content. Femboy Ezra, Pregnancy, and the MILFs, are all on a long list that people have asked for.
Hey buddy i can understand everyone has kinks,for some it's wierd but i ain't say you are wrong but i doubt it would do more good than bad in long run,it can hardly be optional since it's a linear plot game which is half sandbox and click avn,where choices just matter for sexual content but this would impact story and plot a bit,not saying it can't be pulled off but it would be hard even as optional,maybe a dream or nightmare of ezra
Is there a way to unlock the gallery for parts you've already gone past?
A detail of the gallery is that you have to see all the images associated with that scene, even if it's from a branching dialog of that scene. I don't have an unlock either, very sorry. I'll have a rework to the gallery. Since I have gotten so many questions about it, I'll bump it up to the update after this one.
Appreciate it good sir. Looking forward to more. Almost at the end of the update. Very very good story.
hey mr.rooster so i installed the game and everything but it wont run im using the launcher and im on pc the game look intresting i hope you could look into this and sorry to make your work harder
I'm sorry, but it could be any number of issues. It would be impossible for me to go through all of them. I would try to see if it is just this game, of if other Ren'py games don't work either. If you haven't already, I would definitely try to download the game without the launcher too, to see if that works any better. Thank you for the interest! I hope you do figure it out. Maybe someone on discord has a similar issue?
I would like to know if the game crashes on you, or if it is just a black screen not loading. I've had that issue from time to time with launched games. Usually a restart or reinstall works for me.
i was able to get the game to run but i had to go through the game file and start it up and it works really well
Any reason this update won't update or install? I have already moved my saves and deleted the previous game
Are you using the App to update? If so it's possible it isn't ready to update from that client yet. I believe the last update was my first update using Butler to push it. Which just means next update that app should work.
Otherwise, there should be no issue with a fresh download. You typically do not have to move your saves. In fact it is not recommended as far as I know. Sorry if the issue lingers.
Will there be any scenes with Ezra without having to transform him? I like trap yaoi.
That is not planned, no. It could be something I made as a commission, but it's not storyline.
Im sorry to say this,(maybe im the only one having an issue with this) but the guide is absolutely horrendous. I cant make heads or tails of it, i tried following it then looks at the gallery some scenes were unlock others scenes were not, for ex: on magna when fighting cherry says use the sword properly to unlock a scene, but does use the sword properly mean? cause im pretty sure i did and there was no scene unlocked in the galery, i just dont understand maybe im dumb. otherwise the game is very good, im just the type to complete everything so i prefer going along the guide, but this one doesnt give you a path to follow just tells you want do on the scene your at. Like if theres some scenes locked behiind certain areas or charecters, surely a guide telling wich girls and paths to do 1st to unlock essencial areas and charecters would a lot better, sorry for the guide rant. Enjoy the game, becasue i am, the guide is my only problem.
I'm ok with that. There is so much content that for me to sit down and make a full-blown guide would take me hours. I will eventually do this, but I'm currently just focused on the content. It's a one man army over here, so I gotta prioritize these things, Thank you for your interest!
Its all good, as i sayd the game is awesome, and eventually i was able to figure it out(took some effort but doable), especially since is a 1 man force cant really ask for more, since your focused on the game itself(as you should), keep it up its looking nice so far. Have a good one.