That's good to hear, about the image quality, not the part about the missing gallery. But I can understand if perhaps Wills747 could not port my code for the gallery over. Sorry to hear that; there is nothing I can do to change it,
If it is a first time start up it can take a long time. Also, if you can find the .exe file on your computer that can sometimes be more successful for people too. A fresh download using Patreon links sometimes solves it as well. The saves should carry over from the Itchio version. I cannot vouch for the Itchio Launcher
It was just me trying to start it up it was like it was loading then stopped like there was a internal error may try downloading it as a zip file then I'll try loading to see if that works.
The apk from rooster work but create a new game so i need to move my saves from the old folder to the rooster folder and now all is ok, i can continue the game
Just finish the game and I am sad how it turn out at the end. The girl that I pick to be my wife is Luce I had like her from the start there was something with her that stuck with me from the beginning out of the 3 girls that I like. Luce Rhea and Judy. Here is the sad part I have please tell me that Luce survive the fire that happen in the tent. I will not say who did it for people that haven't got that far. But please tell that u had made Luce live. If she didn't I'm going to be very upset about it more on beening worry about her faith like I wonder what happen to Fir.
I share your concerns as I have them for my favorites too. I haven't played the other girls yet, but now I see they must all burn. Sad, Rooster still created a good story as we all fell in love with the girls and became ingrained to our character. I hope Chapter 2 let's me get revenge!!
Not finish with it yet been back and forth with the demon girl and the dragon but right now you are making it hard for me to pick a girl now. There was 2 at first Luce and Rhea but now there are two new girls and not sure if one of the two new girls is a reg. or a side girl and that is of Judy and the one not sure if she is a reg or side is Tima. These 4 girls I like out of them all. So is Tima a reg or side girl?
Tima is a "Side girl" Which just means that she's not likely to get her own ending, even if I do plan on giving her a storyline. She's a supporting character so she will have content, but relative to the main narrative, she isn't a main character.
Finishing up I guess book 1? Going to the festival now but reading below I am sad already (congratulations on your baby--- life will be sooooooo different not sure you will have time for another book not just 3). Is there a place with all the girls names (characters) and a summation of their backstory? I am feeble minded ;-) and get lost.
Ok-- going to go to the festival-for those who are new-enjoy
Honor to Wartribe!! Like others--I am totally involved into the game--like a good science fiction novel. Haven't even done much with the "girls" yet.
I don't want to spoil anything but my girl is back!! After a couple of days I may say about what I would do with some of the characters hahahaahahha.
Thank you for playing! The summation of the storylines should be in the replay system. Which I am polishing as we speak! With new images and some better logic.
What I have tried to do regularly is name the replays something that would remind you of what happened without spoiling the contents when you see them prior to actually seeing the scenes.
Oh, good idea. Like I said earlier when I get a chance I have about a half dozen of the good games (and some junk games going). I really wish more developers, especially if its been a long time, would include an update or historical area to remind us what's going on. But as I mentioned on your latest update/spoiler section it was a good ride, just a little rough.
You did a good job so thanks again. I don't do Discord for the main part, but I did take you up on your offer last night (1 am) and joined your discord. I hope to get some insight from other players.
I understand the need to bring the game to a close, and I still hate cliffhanger endings that seemingly come out of nowhere. I almost feel like one of the earlier updates would have been better place to end it, since that twist was foreshadowed much more effectively (I don't want to get into specifics since I don't know how to spoiler in the comments). I literally had a bad dream last night based off the ending events.
Anyway, as much as I'm disappointed with this latest update, I don't think I've previously commented on the game. Overall, it was excellent and I would consider it one of my personal favorite AVNs. I think the characters and their individual story paths are extremely well done. I went ahead and bought the game now that it's complete.
I'm looking forward to the sequel if you're able to make time for it. I know you said you've basically got to neglect your personal life for development stints (respect).
Firstly, thank you for playing. As a person who follows development of these games myself, I also struggle with that dilemma you have described. I have plans to rectify that but as mentioned, it will just take time. I've responded to others on this issue too, so I'm going to repost my replies to them below.
I did consider the notion that a lot of people would feel like this was a lot of effort on the MC's part that goes wasted. But I also hope that getting to meet all the relevant characters in their own unique ways was worth the journey even if the destination is cursed.
It was my intention to make it feel like father has set you up for failure. There should definitely be a sense of frustration surrounding your feelings as a son and being used as a pawn. I think trying to convey that without putting people off was difficult.
That said, I don't deny that it could have been better! Absolutely, that's true. It's like when you make something and think "That's so good!" and then look at it later only to cringe. It's a bit of that. But I am still happy with the work. I did work hard at it. I hope ultimately people have fun.
Just to inform that i updated my game on android and it crashed after several seconds. I've read that other person have the same problem and you work on a fix. Hope you'll find the problems. By the way, it's a very good game.
I need a new version yes, this one might just be broken. I've raised a flag with DA the porter, but they seem too busy to port this one. I'm on the lookout for someone else who can help, but I've asked 3 other porters and have little luck.
I need a new version yes, this one might just be broken. I've raised a flag with DA the porter, but they seem too busy to port this one. I'm on the lookout for someone else who can help, but I've asked 3 other porters and have little luck.
Those scenes are a result of Magna's storyline. It starts from a scene where Xichi, Yuni, and Magna meet some bandits in the village. The MC will speak with the village elder who tells them Magna and her friends "went into the nearby forest". Immediately after those events visit the "Market" From the world map. Then the "Massage Parlor"
How do you get back into the dream room? I thought it said the door on the right in the first back hallway, but that just says it's the Matron's office. No other door goes to it.
Just downloaded android, and it keeps crashing on me. I cannot even ener my name. Is this something that I may have done, or is it a known issue? If the latter, how do I fix it?
It is sounding more and more like an issue with the port or 2.0.1 Patch. Currently trying to fix it. Some people use the App Joiplay to make it work. But that is its own thing
I was playing with it a bit earlier, and i turned off battery save, and decreased the text size. Did it at the same time, so I do not know which was the fix, but it is working now. This is one of my favorite games, got excited when I saw the update, but my saves got corrupted on my SD card, so had to restart the game. Looking forward to playing it through again.
Ok, crashes during the scene in the inn with jow, and crashes in the dream room succubus scene. Thank the powers that be that is has not crashed on magna
I'm sorry you are having those issues >.> If it ever gives you an error and says something about a trace back I would love to see a screen shot so I can hunt those kinds of things down. If it's android related I might not have a fix, but I can check.
So now that 2.0,1 is out does that mean Chap. 1 season 1 is over and there will be a Chap. 2 or will it contenue from chap. 1? I still have to wait until it goes live before I can play it.
Hello; just donated and downloaded the 2.0.1; do I also need the patch file which you mentioned. I am working off the march 1.9.7 load. Great game as everyone has mentioned. The story is very intriguing but I am missing J!!! I just as well run away with her and forget everyone else ;-) . Thanks
Ok, now the stories getting real interesting, I liked this update because it confirmed some of my plot suspicions but completely destroyed some others. so it's still got me captivated hoping for the next update soon but am willing to wait because it's a great story so far.
I updated my game on Android with the 2.01 .apk. But when I attempt to run it, it crashes within a second or two before even getting as far as displaying the initial menu. I have plenty of free memory, so it's not that.
Hmm. I don't know how the android crash system works. A fresh install might be the only way to go. You should keep all your saves, so hopefully there are no troubles after that.
I've now tried redownloading the .apk and reinstalling the game, but it hasn't made any difference. In case it matters, my tablet is running Android 13.
Does it give an error of some kind? If anyone else is having this issue, please let me know. Also, Atm0s if you could discuss the details with me on Discord I'd like to look into it there
EDIT: I may need things like your save files or .rpy files. There shouldn't be any issues from what I can tell on my side. But things could be different
After a few minutes of not doing anything I got an error screen. Not sure if it happens on a fresh install yet, downloading now. The traceback file shows:-
Full traceback:
File "game/screens.rpy", line 730, in script
style slot_time_text is slot_button_text
File "D:\Games\----\wartribe-academy\WartribeAcademy-2.0.0-pc\renpy\", line 61, in check_infinite_loop
Phew -.- Frankly, this bug you are describing has happened to me before. But the strange thing about it was, I started and restarted, and didn't change anything, but it worked eventually. That's the scariest type of bug.
Yes, it's possible that Itchio is locking you out, but I would like for you to be able to. If you could add me on discord I can give you a link to download it. I'm afraid I don't know how to message individuals on Itch, nor do I know how to manipulate Itch's system to give the game to you any other way. It doesn't have to be discord, just let me know how you would like me to send you the link
Are there multiple endings possible in this? I'm going through the motions with everyone but Cleo is the only one I'm really interested in. I don't really like most of the others, or their families and I don't want the harem. (Or at least if I was going to have a Harem none of the current "candidates" beyond Cleo would be in it. So, if the harem route is the only one, I'll just stop.
Well that's not ominous at all ... the ones who service. lol. Ok. Thanks for the response. It's just frustrating at times because I could have answered the "Which one do you want to marry" question after ... a week? I dunno there were only two strong candidates after first meeting and the second was out as soon as I met her family. But I'm still ass deep in the drama of girls who I didn't like on first meeting.
Yeah, I understand. It is difficult. I'd like for you to be able to ignore someone's route. Only, It would be hard to release a pattern like that. Because fully fleshed out stories take a long time, I'd be releasing 1 character at a time for over years. But I understand, it's a problem of my own making. Thank you for playing though!
It's good. I'll probably run through again because I probably missed stuff - and can pick up clues from conversations that happened before that seemed inconsequential but now I have hindsight. Might join the Discord at some point but I'll probably piss people off, I'm not the typical AVN player - usually I pick a girl or maybe two to focus on and do my best to be monogomist when I can and that tends to bug people who want to fuck everyone. In Wartribe the people I like best are Cleo and the ones who came with me ... and that's not out of character for me.
Small but IMPACTFUL suggestion (and I know there may be a lot of others who're thinking this): Please get rid of the TEXT BOX or make the opacity low. Right now a giant, dark text box covers the NSFW action at the bottom half of the screen and repeatedly pressing H every next scene/click is really distracting loll
Funny you should mention. That line of code was added for 2.0.0 So with 2.0.0 you should be able to change opacity. It might make some dialog harder to read, but at least you'll have freedom. Which again is just a massive update that has me neglecting other parts of my life. Soon. Hope the replay update is well received too!
I found this Avn took some time to get into, there are lots of little side stories and the main story kind of got blurred out, the characters are good though, they all have interesting personalities (Juna the best) but when i really got into it, it's a pretty unique storyline and a very good one. Looking forward to future updates!
Thank you! You're right. I definitely fell victim to various sparks of interest. There is definitely an underlying story, and I hope that floats to the surface amongst the sea of clutter. Especially once I release 2.0.0!
Hello there, I have encountered a problem. I recently downloaded the game through the launcher, and have recently tried to play it. But for some reason after a few seconds of running with no loading window in sight, it just suddenly stops. I uninstalled and reinstalled it again just now, and I get the same result. I just wanted to inform you about this issue.
I know this is a noob question but I'm new to downloading and using game files but can anyone explain this for me?
1.9.7_Patch.rar 1 MB
WartribeAcademy-v1.9.7-DA.apk 1.5 GB
if I'm right the patch you put inside the old variant somehow to update the game or it is a band aide for bugs in the current one. As for the second one I'm not sure what it is entirely.... in advance thank you to anyone who helps me figure this out :)
I know this maybe a silly question but I don't know what it means but what is this thing call Sandbox. I see that name alot on these kind of games. Is it like I can pick one girl over another or what. I really don't understand that meaning. I do have a learning disably with Octisit [ms]
Sandbox usually means that the games gives the player a lot of freedom to decide what to do during gameplay. For example, games with maps that let you decide where you want to go, and depending on your choices, different game events happen. Additionally, many sandbox games contain things like money or some other metric, that requires the player to do tasks to increase their money, so that they can spend it to unlock the next part of the game that they're interested in. The process of building up money or 'favor' points with an npc, etc, is often called grinding.
By contrast, visual novels are more like pick-a-path stories where events happen in a more constrained order, and players choose what to do at various points during the story.
So like for exsample I am trying to make Luce the one that is going to be my wife. I only want to do things with her but there is another girl Rhea that I am kind of intest to of becoming my wife but I really don't know who to choose so is it like that whas a sandbox is?
Well, that is more of a harem situation. I was talking about sandbox in a generic sense, not specifically about this game. You will likely need to progress with all the girls in this game.
This game is not real and true Sandbox. Think of something more like Minecraft or maybe Stardew valley as gameplay sandboxes.
And if we like having tons of routes, an elaborate visual novel could be that.
But Wartribe only has the one major storyline with various built in paths. You can't avoid the main story, so it's not really sandbox story nor gameplay.
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That's good to hear, about the image quality, not the part about the missing gallery. But I can understand if perhaps Wills747 could not port my code for the gallery over. Sorry to hear that; there is nothing I can do to change it,
Who would say such a thing?
The game does not even come up when I launch it through the itch app.
If it is a first time start up it can take a long time. Also, if you can find the .exe file on your computer that can sometimes be more successful for people too. A fresh download using Patreon links sometimes solves it as well. The saves should carry over from the Itchio version. I cannot vouch for the Itchio Launcher
It was just me trying to start it up it was like it was loading then stopped like there was a internal error may try downloading it as a zip file then I'll try loading to see if that works.
The apk from rooster work but create a new game so i need to move my saves from the old folder to the rooster folder and now all is ok, i can continue the game
Thank you for letting me know!
Just finish the game and I am sad how it turn out at the end. The girl that I pick to be my wife is Luce I had like her from the start there was something with her that stuck with me from the beginning out of the 3 girls that I like. Luce Rhea and Judy. Here is the sad part I have please tell me that Luce survive the fire that happen in the tent. I will not say who did it for people that haven't got that far. But please tell that u had made Luce live. If she didn't I'm going to be very upset about it more on beening worry about her faith like I wonder what happen to Fir.
I can't say anything about that :(
So I will have to wait in Chap. 2?
I share your concerns as I have them for my favorites too. I haven't played the other girls yet, but now I see they must all burn. Sad, Rooster still created a good story as we all fell in love with the girls and became ingrained to our character. I hope Chapter 2 let's me get revenge!!
Honor to Wartribe
Not finish with it yet been back and forth with the demon girl and the dragon but right now you are making it hard for me to pick a girl now. There was 2 at first Luce and Rhea but now there are two new girls and not sure if one of the two new girls is a reg. or a side girl and that is of Judy and the one not sure if she is a reg or side is Tima. These 4 girls I like out of them all. So is Tima a reg or side girl?
Tima is a "Side girl" Which just means that she's not likely to get her own ending, even if I do plan on giving her a storyline. She's a supporting character so she will have content, but relative to the main narrative, she isn't a main character.
I fear that she was so I guess it will have to be between Luce [for some reason I keep calling her Lucy lol] Rhea & Judy
Finishing up I guess book 1? Going to the festival now but reading below I am sad already (congratulations on your baby--- life will be sooooooo different not sure you will have time for another book not just 3). Is there a place with all the girls names (characters) and a summation of their backstory? I am feeble minded ;-) and get lost.
Ok-- going to go to the festival-for those who are new-enjoy
Honor to Wartribe!! Like others--I am totally involved into the game--like a good science fiction novel. Haven't even done much with the "girls" yet.
I don't want to spoil anything but my girl is back!! After a couple of days I may say about what I would do with some of the characters hahahaahahha.
Thank you for playing! The summation of the storylines should be in the replay system. Which I am polishing as we speak! With new images and some better logic.
What I have tried to do regularly is name the replays something that would remind you of what happened without spoiling the contents when you see them prior to actually seeing the scenes.
Oh, good idea. Like I said earlier when I get a chance I have about a half dozen of the good games (and some junk games going). I really wish more developers, especially if its been a long time, would include an update or historical area to remind us what's going on. But as I mentioned on your latest update/spoiler section it was a good ride, just a little rough.
You did a good job so thanks again. I don't do Discord for the main part, but I did take you up on your offer last night (1 am) and joined your discord. I hope to get some insight from other players.
Honor to Wartribe!!
I understand the need to bring the game to a close, and I still hate cliffhanger endings that seemingly come out of nowhere. I almost feel like one of the earlier updates would have been better place to end it, since that twist was foreshadowed much more effectively (I don't want to get into specifics since I don't know how to spoiler in the comments). I literally had a bad dream last night based off the ending events.
Anyway, as much as I'm disappointed with this latest update, I don't think I've previously commented on the game. Overall, it was excellent and I would consider it one of my personal favorite AVNs. I think the characters and their individual story paths are extremely well done. I went ahead and bought the game now that it's complete.
I'm looking forward to the sequel if you're able to make time for it. I know you said you've basically got to neglect your personal life for development stints (respect).
Firstly, thank you for playing. As a person who follows development of these games myself, I also struggle with that dilemma you have described. I have plans to rectify that but as mentioned, it will just take time. I've responded to others on this issue too, so I'm going to repost my replies to them below.
I did consider the notion that a lot of people would feel like this was a lot of effort on the MC's part that goes wasted. But I also hope that getting to meet all the relevant characters in their own unique ways was worth the journey even if the destination is cursed.
It was my intention to make it feel like father has set you up for failure. There should definitely be a sense of frustration surrounding your feelings as a son and being used as a pawn. I think trying to convey that without putting people off was difficult.
That said, I don't deny that it could have been better! Absolutely, that's true. It's like when you make something and think "That's so good!" and then look at it later only to cringe. It's a bit of that. But I am still happy with the work. I did work hard at it. I hope ultimately people have fun.
For sure, it's definitely a quality game that's worthy of pride. You made something special here. As I said, it's one of my favorite AVNs :)
Just to inform that i updated my game on android and it crashed after several seconds. I've read that other person have the same problem and you work on a fix. Hope you'll find the problems. By the way, it's a very good game.
I need a new version yes, this one might just be broken. I've raised a flag with DA the porter, but they seem too busy to port this one. I'm on the lookout for someone else who can help, but I've asked 3 other porters and have little luck.
I send you all my luck for finding someone
I am talking to someone about it now. Fingers crossed they can help!
Just wanna say I love your game but I can't install it on Android it keeps crashing
I need a new version yes, this one might just be broken. I've raised a flag with DA the porter, but they seem too busy to port this one. I'm on the lookout for someone else who can help, but I've asked 3 other porters and have little luck.
Cool, thanks. And good luck with the little one.
Thank you!
Honor to Wartribe!
How do I get the punishing Xichi and Yuni Scenes I've been stuck here for the last 2 hours trying to figure out how to get it
Those scenes are a result of Magna's storyline. It starts from a scene where Xichi, Yuni, and Magna meet some bandits in the village. The MC will speak with the village elder who tells them Magna and her friends "went into the nearby forest". Immediately after those events visit the "Market" From the world map. Then the "Massage Parlor"
ohhh thank you
How do you get back into the dream room? I thought it said the door on the right in the first back hallway, but that just says it's the Matron's office. No other door goes to it.
speak to Matron
Not really a helpful answer.
I since found out that you can just unlock dream scenes before you unlock the dream room option. You unlock the dream room option through Rhea's path.
Oh my bad. I assumed you had unlocked the option already. When you do, you revisit it through Matron.
Just downloaded android, and it keeps crashing on me. I cannot even ener my name. Is this something that I may have done, or is it a known issue? If the latter, how do I fix it?
It is sounding more and more like an issue with the port or 2.0.1 Patch. Currently trying to fix it. Some people use the App Joiplay to make it work. But that is its own thing
I was playing with it a bit earlier, and i turned off battery save, and decreased the text size. Did it at the same time, so I do not know which was the fix, but it is working now. This is one of my favorite games, got excited when I saw the update, but my saves got corrupted on my SD card, so had to restart the game. Looking forward to playing it through again.
Ok, crashes during the scene in the inn with jow, and crashes in the dream room succubus scene. Thank the powers that be that is has not crashed on magna
I'm sorry you are having those issues >.>
If it ever gives you an error and says something about a trace back I would love to see a screen shot so I can hunt those kinds of things down. If it's android related I might not have a fix, but I can check.
is there any foot content or are they out of frame for most of the shots
Sorry, they are mostly out of frame. They are definitely in some shots, but never really the focus.
So now that 2.0,1 is out does that mean Chap. 1 season 1 is over and there will be a Chap. 2 or will it contenue from chap. 1? I still have to wait until it goes live before I can play it.
It's live now.
Going forward it will be a whole other game, kind of like a book 2, given the size of what we currently have.
I envision 3 books. But with a baby on the way, The time table is looking uncertain.
I have been following this for a while, and i really appreciate the lengthy updates.
While this is by no means perfect, the story is starting to get a lot more interesting. Keep it up, you are doing great
Thank you!
Hello; just donated and downloaded the 2.0.1; do I also need the patch file which you mentioned. I am working off the march 1.9.7 load. Great game as everyone has mentioned. The story is very intriguing but I am missing J!!! I just as well run away with her and forget everyone else ;-) . Thanks
You do not need the patch. Thank you for playing!
Ok, now the stories getting real interesting, I liked this update because it confirmed some of my plot suspicions but completely destroyed some others. so it's still got me captivated hoping for the next update soon but am willing to wait because it's a great story so far.
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoy it so far!
I updated my game on Android with the 2.01 .apk. But when I attempt to run it, it crashes within a second or two before even getting as far as displaying the initial menu. I have plenty of free memory, so it's not that.
Hmm. I don't know how the android crash system works. A fresh install might be the only way to go. You should keep all your saves, so hopefully there are no troubles after that.
I've now tried redownloading the .apk and reinstalling the game, but it hasn't made any difference. In case it matters, my tablet is running Android 13.
let me try to look into this again. I have a lot of people with trouble on Android
when does 2.0.0 go free?
October 5th
thank you
Is the price is increase? I recall before only $3 can download android version.
Yes. I think it's fair. But also, it's FREE October 5th.
So needed to purchase again if want to early access (even if own the game before)?
No you do not. Add me on discord and Ill send you links
Yo, game won't run after applying .1 patch.
Does it give an error of some kind? If anyone else is having this issue, please let me know. Also, Atm0s if you could discuss the details with me on Discord I'd like to look into it there
EDIT: I may need things like your save files or .rpy files. There shouldn't be any issues from what I can tell on my side. But things could be different
After a few minutes of not doing anything I got an error screen. Not sure if it happens on a fresh install yet, downloading now. The traceback file shows:-
Full traceback:
File "game/screens.rpy", line 730, in script
style slot_time_text is slot_button_text
File "D:\Games\----\wartribe-academy\WartribeAcademy-2.0.0-pc\renpy\", line 61, in check_infinite_loop
raise Exception("Possible infinite loop.")
Exception: Possible infinite loop.
Windows-10-10.0.19045 AMD64
Wartribe Academy 2.0.1
Mon Sep 30 22:45:39 2024
If no error shows up, try running the game from the WartribeAcademy folder instead of the Itchio. App. Worse case, you maybe have to reinstall
Fresh install works fine.
Phew -.-
Frankly, this bug you are describing has happened to me before. But the strange thing about it was, I started and restarted, and didn't change anything, but it worked eventually. That's the scariest type of bug.
I'm glad I was able to contribute to the solution then, if just a little bit. :D
Yes, the public version will be out October 5th
Is there a Chinese translation?
I don't make one, but I know someone does. It's not on my site at the moment, but once they reach out to me, perhaps it will be.
When will u release public version, i loved this game so much
Yeah I was wondering the same thing?
Yes, the public version will be out October 5th
Yes, the public version will be out October 5th
sayless brother
same here
Yes, the public version will be out October 5th
Hi! I downloaded this game once upon a time (maaany updates ago) and would like to update it. Can I do so without re-purchasing it?
Yes, it's possible that Itchio is locking you out, but I would like for you to be able to. If you could add me on discord I can give you a link to download it. I'm afraid I don't know how to message individuals on Itch, nor do I know how to manipulate Itch's system to give the game to you any other way. It doesn't have to be discord, just let me know how you would like me to send you the link
Okay! I added you on discord. I'm 'Vladicoff' on there. I appreciate it!
Are there multiple endings possible in this? I'm going through the motions with everyone but Cleo is the only one I'm really interested in. I don't really like most of the others, or their families and I don't want the harem. (Or at least if I was going to have a Harem none of the current "candidates" beyond Cleo would be in it. So, if the harem route is the only one, I'll just stop.
Planned endings include 1 for all the candidates that survive. 1 for the MC's servants (Each) 1 Harem Ending. |
Well that's not ominous at all ... the ones who service. lol. Ok. Thanks for the response. It's just frustrating at times because I could have answered the "Which one do you want to marry" question after ... a week? I dunno there were only two strong candidates after first meeting and the second was out as soon as I met her family. But I'm still ass deep in the drama of girls who I didn't like on first meeting.
Yeah, I understand. It is difficult. I'd like for you to be able to ignore someone's route. Only, It would be hard to release a pattern like that. Because fully fleshed out stories take a long time, I'd be releasing 1 character at a time for over years.
But I understand, it's a problem of my own making. Thank you for playing though!
It's good. I'll probably run through again because I probably missed stuff - and can pick up clues from conversations that happened before that seemed inconsequential but now I have hindsight. Might join the Discord at some point but I'll probably piss people off, I'm not the typical AVN player - usually I pick a girl or maybe two to focus on and do my best to be monogomist when I can and that tends to bug people who want to fuck everyone. In Wartribe the people I like best are Cleo and the ones who came with me ... and that's not out of character for me.
Small but IMPACTFUL suggestion (and I know there may be a lot of others who're thinking this): Please get rid of the TEXT BOX or make the opacity low. Right now a giant, dark text box covers the NSFW action at the bottom half of the screen and repeatedly pressing H every next scene/click is really distracting loll
Funny you should mention. That line of code was added for 2.0.0 So with 2.0.0 you should be able to change opacity.
It might make some dialog harder to read, but at least you'll have freedom.
Which again is just a massive update that has me neglecting other parts of my life.
Soon. Hope the replay update is well received too!
Thank you! You're awesome!
Is there any update on the next update. I know you may get ask this alot but just wondering on any news to 2.0
Max 3 more weeks, aiming for 2
如此好的一款游戏居然没有安卓 实在是太可惜了
I don't know what you mean. There should be an android link right below. And if not here, at least on my Patreon.
I found this Avn took some time to get into, there are lots of little side stories and the main story kind of got blurred out, the characters are good though, they all have interesting personalities (Juna the best) but when i really got into it, it's a pretty unique storyline and a very good one. Looking forward to future updates!
Thank you! You're right. I definitely fell victim to various sparks of interest. There is definitely an underlying story, and I hope that floats to the surface amongst the sea of clutter. Especially once I release 2.0.0!
Hello there, I have encountered a problem. I recently downloaded the game through the launcher, and have recently tried to play it. But for some reason after a few seconds of running with no loading window in sight, it just suddenly stops. I uninstalled and reinstalled it again just now, and I get the same result. I just wanted to inform you about this issue.
The itchio launcher does that sometimes. If possible, please open the game from the .Exe file, without the launcher.
Okay, thanks for the advice.
I don't like to have to choose between Isha and her sisters, isn't there a way to have all 4? sorry I'm greedy haha
Is there any femboy content?
No. Strange I was just thinking if I should have put that in.
please do.
I'll need to do some research. But I'm not against it.
Please. I never changed that one guys gender because of the possibility. For some older files.
I'm glad yall are making your opinions heard.
I know this is a noob question but I'm new to downloading and using game files but can anyone explain this for me?
1.9.7_Patch.rar 1 MB
WartribeAcademy-v1.9.7-DA.apk 1.5 GB
if I'm right the patch you put inside the old variant somehow to update the game or it is a band aide for bugs in the current one. As for the second one I'm not sure what it is entirely.... in advance thank you to anyone who helps me figure this out :)
The patch is only for people with version 1.9.6 already. I would go with the full latest version to be safe.
Thank you for the clarification on that :)
I know this maybe a silly question but I don't know what it means but what is this thing call Sandbox. I see that name alot on these kind of games. Is it like I can pick one girl over another or what. I really don't understand that meaning. I do have a learning disably with Octisit [ms]
Sandbox usually means that the games gives the player a lot of freedom to decide what to do during gameplay. For example, games with maps that let you decide where you want to go, and depending on your choices, different game events happen. Additionally, many sandbox games contain things like money or some other metric, that requires the player to do tasks to increase their money, so that they can spend it to unlock the next part of the game that they're interested in. The process of building up money or 'favor' points with an npc, etc, is often called grinding.
By contrast, visual novels are more like pick-a-path stories where events happen in a more constrained order, and players choose what to do at various points during the story.
So like for exsample I am trying to make Luce the one that is going to be my wife. I only want to do things with her but there is another girl Rhea that I am kind of intest to of becoming my wife but I really don't know who to choose so is it like that whas a sandbox is?
Well, that is more of a harem situation. I was talking about sandbox in a generic sense, not specifically about this game. You will likely need to progress with all the girls in this game.
This game is not real and true Sandbox. Think of something more like Minecraft or maybe Stardew valley as gameplay sandboxes.
And if we like having tons of routes, an elaborate visual novel could be that.
But Wartribe only has the one major storyline with various built in paths. You can't avoid the main story, so it's not really sandbox story nor gameplay.
I've never have play Minecraft and or Stardew. Infact I've never heard of them.
No way...